I managed to get a couple hours of work done over the weekend on stripping the old paint, plus a chat with a friend who refinishes old pieces on a professional basis. I think I’ m on the right track, and I’m looking forward to getting a bit more time in removing the last of the old finish. It’s come a long ways.
The next step, after I finish the stripping, is to wet the wood down and steel wool the entire piece after sun drying it briefly. Then will come the finish, which I think will be simple warmed linseed oil followed by a light wax.
Here’s a shot I found of the great Aaron Shikler working on the identical easel in the 1960’s. The only difference I can see is that mine has this threaded hand-screw instead of the knob on the top canvas holder. I have to say that the hand-screw has a disadvantage in that it casts a long shadow, depending on the light source, but it also gets me wondering: how old is this easel?