A pastel setup for travel sketching

One of my favorite Renoir quotes is “Make much out of little”.  It’s a good aphorism for artists, and flows into a lot of our activities.  In planning for upcoming trips, I wanted to pull together an absolute minimal, trouble free pastel setup to carry around with me as I travel.

Taking this old Schmincke box, I spent an hour or two customizing it for my backpack.  It’ll be carrying a selection that’s designed for making general color and value statements only.

DSC_0038The box measures  4 ” x 11 “, and is about 2″ deep.  I’ve decided to put in some  simple dividers to create five divisions.  The original clasp on this box works well, which is something to test before starting.

I cut some thin poplar scraps into 3/4” wide strips that fit  snugly into two grooves I carved into the walls of the box. Scoring the wood with a boxcutter was all that was necessary to create the strips.

DSC_0040I then carved some grooves into these to acommodate the smaller vertical separators.

DSC_0041After carefully dry-fitting the pieces for a good fit, I glued the horizontals into place with some carpenter’s wood glue and clamp for a bit.

DSC_0042After dropping in the vertical pieces with a spot of glue, I cut an old piece of chamois to fit the top of the box.  This will serve a couple purposes; as a bit of padding, a palette for pieces I’m using while painting,  and as a cleaning and erasing rag.

DSC_0043Cleaning the pastel sticks in a bag of uncooked rice.  I then select just enough colors to meet my needs, plus a range of grays, and include a black and a brown sharpened Cont’e crayon. The small, broken pieces from other sets are fine for this purpose.


And  I’m ready to roll now.

Morning in my studio


7:00 AM,  Iris and Erik are out the door. I stroll into the place that much of my life revolves around physically, wearing whatever I was wearing when I went to bed last night. I’ve finished my morning reading and prayers and a bit of yoga, and  planned the day. It’s varnishing and framing today, and hopefully I’ll have time to work on something new outdoors, a sketch at least. We’ll see; it never ends up like you think.

An Inspired Eye

I’ve been working hard getting about ten pieces ready for a show opening in a couple weeks. This is the largest piece by far…Summer Storm, 40 x 50″ oil.  It’s gone through it’s share of changes, and I’m looking forward to finally fitting it into it’s frame and seeing it up.  It does have a bit of a presence.

Summer Storm600

The rest of the show are pieces from the last few months, and include one pastel figure and a drawing to boot.  I include the figure pieces because I like the look and feel of them, and  to remind people that understandably regard me as mostly a painter of the ocean that I love to draw and paint the figure as well.

reclining nude 600

Kewalo Basin Morning 600

I also just finished this small (12 x 16″) harbor piece that I think  is effective.  And I have a perfect frame for it.

More later!