I’ve been spending every possible sunny morning working on this painting. It’s moving along well (I think) and so I’m posting some new shots from the last week or so.
Winter brings some powerful winds, and so this arrangement is how I keep the trusty old easel standing. It works quite well, and I’m able to continue work on days that would be impossible otherwise.
A calmer day, towards the end of my session. The warmth of the color of the painting has given way to the cooler light of the later morning.
The painting is about 80% complete. I plan to add a couple small figures and do some re-designing of the light and dark patterns in the foreground now that I have the colors figured out. I’ve made an effort to build the paint surface heavily in some of this area, and that will require some removal of paint to accomplish, so I expect to take this into the studio for the final working out and completion of the piece.
That’s good news, the break from the elements is welcome.
If only you had taken the pictures without the white plastic pail,
the photos would be timeless, like the painting!
Anyone knows of a good cooper?
Hey John, you’re right about that. Got the frame for this put together now, so it’ll be hanging in fairly short order.
Glad to see the post…especially attracted to far bank of sand.
Inspired me to get paints…Kailua plein air classes?
Glad you like it, Paula. It’s getting finishing touches this week, frame almost ready too.
Most of my teaching is through the Honolulu Academy’s Art Center at Linekona, but I’ll refer you to someone nearby
( until I get another class assembled over here) !