It’s probably about my sixth outdoor session on this piece, which is not so much considering that it’s a subject that is right in my neighborhood. If you can even say that, I suppose, because it’s more like I’m in it’s neighborhood.
It’s going pretty well. The building process, solid color strokes woven over one another, is working as I hoped it would, and though the going is rather slow, I think it’s a good approach. Some knife work in the shadows and lights gives a nice variety to the surface, which I’d like to see become richer as I progress. The foreground area will be getting more attention from here…there’s a beautiful pale green of Cerulean and Cad Lemon that I want to observe when the light is just breaking across the foreground, and build it in the right value. There is so much wealth in that area of the painting, I want to make it as interesting as I can.
I’m also very pleased that the linen canvas, one which I primed myself, is performing just as I had hoped. The frame for this is in production, along with the frame for “Sunlit Surf-Lanai Lookout”, which should be assembled next week.
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